Türkçe » İngilizce  |
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ahır |
- [N] stable, shed, barn, byre, cowhouse, cowshed, crib, stabling, stall
ahır |
stable, shed, barn.
ahıra çekmek /ı/ to put {an animal} in the barn.
ahıra çevirmek /ı/ to mess up, make a shambles of.
ahır gibi in a shambles, messy, cluttered, dirty {place}. |
âhır |
see âhir. |
ahir |
the last, the final: ahir karar final decision. |
âhir |
1.the last, the final: âhir nefes last gasp. 2. in the end. 3. end, conclusion, termination.
âhir olmak to come to an end, end.
âhir ömür/vakit old age, {one´s} last years.
âhir zaman the time during which the Last Judgment can be expected to take place.
âhir zaman peygamberi the Prophet Muhammad. |
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